Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chair-ish The Joy

 I'm pretty sure Fall is here. The apples are starting to turn red on the trees, I feel the need to wear slippers every time I have to wander into the tiled bathroom, and the spiders are fleeing from the woods and straight into my basement. And then there is this unnatural need to sand and wood fill everything. It's much like storing nuts for Winter. After almost a year in Germany I got up the courage to cross my fingers, hold my breath and hope i picked out the right paint and supplies...yeah, my German hasn't gotten any better. 

Lately I've been working on kitchen chairs that Kevin and I garbage picked in Washington a couple years ago. We've just been using them as is, they weren't terrible, as long as you didn't touch the duct tape holding the splintering top in place. However, you can only take so much high-gloss, scratched black paint and cracking pink pleather. So after a couple weeks of sanding, wood fill and painting, I have one chair finished and the other one is naked and stashed out of sight so it doesn't ugly up the room. I'll get to it...eventually. I have a hard time maintaining focus. I've also made a Husbands banner, coffee filter peonies, a pillow case and started planning a Halloween party since starting on the chairs. See what I mean, zero focus...


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