Monday, May 16, 2011

Dios Mio...

I am one tired little kid today. Kevin is incapable of sleeping like a normal person. I'm pretty sure he dreams of ducks every night. He paddles his little feet constantly. It would be endearing, really, if he didn't tickle the bottom of mine in the process. Kevin thinks its hilarious, who else could tickle me awake while staying fast asleep themselves? Tonight I'm considering tying his feet to his side of the bed...Or maybe he can just wear socks.

In other none-feet related news, I found wiggle room in my sentence. I'm not allowed to buy new supplies for crafts and furniture...but who can argue with FREE coasters? True...they weren't free in the delicious way of dumpster diving. Once upon a time there was a monetary exchange for goods, but since supplies were just hanging out in my closet and I didn't have to break into my big coffee can of nickles and dimes, they're free.

Don't they just melt your little heart? Poor Kevin, patience of a saint, listens to craft enthused prattling with only slightly glazed eyes and he has the decency not to nod off or drool.

Ooo, ooo!! My honey bought me paint for his desk and my vanity. Being the loving, unselfish person I am I started on his desk...I forgot to take a picture before I started stripping the paint but imagine a high gloss chipping, gummy nightmare.
This was during the insanely fun, three day stripping process. Notice and love my hand with the black paste befouling my rubber gloves in the bottom left corner. Stripping paint is really no fun. I know you can't tell, but I'm pouting. Next time I'm perusing G.W. and fall in love with some painted nightmare, remind me of this desk.

But I have to say it cleans up quite nicely with a coat of primer...

Even better with the first coat of paint. As you can tell from the picture we went with a nice masculine shade of purple....Not really though. Its gray...fingers crossed.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Twice in one day...I surely spoil you

So tonight the mister and I are cuddled up on our mattress watching Sons of Anarchy, when...What, what!! Who turned our bedroom into a disco?

Oh that's right...I forgot all about Cops, Tacoma.

So like the sneaky little mongooses...mongeeses? we are, we flipped off the light, raised the blinds and poked camera out the window like a little whack-a-mole. Honestly, we were a little tempted to take this opportunity to go pull the cans in off the curb. Its not the first time we've been awoken to flashing lights, it happens two or three times a week, but tonight is the first time we've had the camera within arms reach because you know we're not getting out of bed, right?

At least our family can rest assured that should anything go south, we'll have a really quick response time from the good ole police. They pretty much camp out outside our house handing out tickets all willy-nilly and frightening off all the would be thugs that want to rap battle on our lawn.

I'll tell ya what...

I'm gonna get good at starting all my posts off the same way...By really has been a minute. This time however, I have a really good excuse. Multiple in fact! Being married is much like having a tiny kitten be completely dependent on you, if that kitten could produce laundry three times as fast as I can. You've got to keep them clean (and shave their necks, I'm pretty sure there wasn't anything about that in the vows), clean their potties, and snuggle them to sleep. I really do love being a wife, and I can't say Kevin is completely dependent because after all, he does wear pants and brings home bacon... That is what he tells me anyways....

Straight from the mustache's mouth
I find my cute owl makes the stache a little easier to stomach

In other married news, I'm currently grounded. That's right, Kevin is the meanest dad ever (and no, I'm not trying to tell you a secret, remember no one's pregnant). After only a couple weeks Kevin began to fear me and what I may become. Dramatic Pause. A hoarder. Which to him I say, ridiculous! For those of you who doubt, I put to you how many hoarders do you know that have a mattress, an armour, a table and two chairs and a futon to furnish their entire house? So until I can complete 100% of my many projects I'm not allowed to thrift or Craigslist (even if its free!)
So for now, its sand, wood fill, and prime. Rain or shine, I'm outside getting honked at and having strangers ask me how tall I am. Here's a little picture preview on some of the things I've been working on.

These lovelies all came off of the free section of Craigslist

And this is our first pizza!

Anywho, I commandeered the honey's laptop and I suppose its time to give it back....