Thursday, July 28, 2011

One Hot Mess...And I'm Not Talking About Myself

I'm sure you didn't know this about me but I'm a little clairvoyant, and I see plenty of hissing and cussing and perhaps some blood, sweat and tears in my near future. A few days ago I agreed to refinish something for an acquaintance and silly me I think I agreed on a price before actually seeing the monstrosity vanity.

Its one hot mess, I tell you what. It looks like I was a bad blogger and forgot to take a before picture but this is actually how it showed up at my house. Its not that it doesn't have potential to be lovely but between the burn and water marks and peeling veneers there will be...well blood, sweat etc... but who knows, it could be easier than I anticipated. I thought my little sewing cabinet was going to be a lot harder to strip down than it actually was (notice that I forgot to take a before picture of this one, ha). Yes, right now it looks like a wreck but I can't wait to clean up this little dirty birdie with a sleek paint job and maybe some decoupage. Mmm-mmm.

And in true Crystal fashion since I can't limit myself to one or two projects at a time I'll give you another little preview of what else I'm working on. Its a little plastic jewelry box that I scored at a yard sell for 25 cents. Oh how I love the swirls and show girl legs.

Not to mention the creepy little picture depicted on the lid of what I suppose is a picnic or ritual sacrifice where the main objective is biting the heads off live bats...

Speaking of crazy fun crafting and furniture redos, the husband thinks that I should start my own crafting blog because he loves how excited I get and how passionate I am about giant hunks of garbage. I'm not so sure though. I learned about 60% of what I know from other blogs and the other 40% from trial and error. I found out that if I shower something with enough creative insults it'll usually work after about 3 tries... Anyways, what do you think? Should I give it a go or just stick to this her' blog?

A Day In The Life.

Jynx had his first vet visit today, once again he impressed us so much. While we were in the waiting room he'd trot over and sit at people's feet and wag his little tush until they reached down and gave him some scratches. He even open mouthed kissed one little boy... When we got Jynx three weeks ago he was a whopping 2.7 lbs and today he's 4.5 lbs! He's fully healthy and pissed off about getting his shots happy.
In other news, I think I'm broken. I've been to two thrift stores this week and haven't bought one thing... Kevin teases but its like I lost the ability to laugh or possibly I'm just a really big drama queen. I really want to go buy something just to prove I can, but every time I found something I loved I got an anxious sick feeling when I thought about actually buying it. The free listings on craigslist has ruined me!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Sold My First Piece Of Furniture!!

My little craigslist vanity sold today! It makes me quite happy, I just want to run outside and finish sanding my side table!

Pets Who Look Like Their Owners?

Oh...I think so.

Don't let that sweet face fool you though. We've only had him a week and a half and he's already doubled in size and attitude. He's a pretty sweet tempered dog until he gets bored with whatever we're doing...

See what I mean? He'll play along but when he's done he tries humping my hand. Adorable, aint it?