Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Do You See What I See? Probably Not, My Puppy Ate My Glasses.

Hello, my name is Crystal and I'm pretty sure I have an online shopping addiction. It started when I needed to order some extra long pants but got really bad when I discovered all the adorable, length appropriate dresses at Let me tell you, that was a breath of fresh air. Skirts that cover all your business... I blame the damn youths, with their too-short dresses and too-high high heels. Yes, I am an old fuddy-duddy. I'm considering scrapbooking for the first time just so I can start on My Big Book Of Grievences. Back to the things I like vs. loath...damn youths: Lately my online shopping addiction has accumulated into the need to get as many free pairs of eyeglasses as humanly possible. So far I have found six sites. There are limited frames to pick from, but hey! You just have to pay shipping! I haven't ordered mine yet. we're still trying to figure out how to divy up the swag between the Hubs and I. In case anyone else anyone else wants to try them out:
Coupon Code: FIRSTPAIRFREE (this one charges you for the lenses, but they're cheap and if you use the code you can get 10% off)
Coupon Code: 10off
Coupon Code: FIRSTFREE
No Code Necessary

Happy shopping!! Let me know if you try and love these! We could even be glasses twinsies!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chair-ish The Joy

 I'm pretty sure Fall is here. The apples are starting to turn red on the trees, I feel the need to wear slippers every time I have to wander into the tiled bathroom, and the spiders are fleeing from the woods and straight into my basement. And then there is this unnatural need to sand and wood fill everything. It's much like storing nuts for Winter. After almost a year in Germany I got up the courage to cross my fingers, hold my breath and hope i picked out the right paint and supplies...yeah, my German hasn't gotten any better. 

Lately I've been working on kitchen chairs that Kevin and I garbage picked in Washington a couple years ago. We've just been using them as is, they weren't terrible, as long as you didn't touch the duct tape holding the splintering top in place. However, you can only take so much high-gloss, scratched black paint and cracking pink pleather. So after a couple weeks of sanding, wood fill and painting, I have one chair finished and the other one is naked and stashed out of sight so it doesn't ugly up the room. I'll get to it...eventually. I have a hard time maintaining focus. I've also made a Husbands banner, coffee filter peonies, a pillow case and started planning a Halloween party since starting on the chairs. See what I mean, zero focus...


Monday, September 2, 2013

Try, try again...and then try some more.

So I've recently started crafting/painting again and Kevin has been encouraging me to post pictures and share my painting techniques so I'm going to try blogging again. I'm hoping my super sweet new toy Kevin got me for my birthday will help. Who knew an iPad could be so delightful. It really is a technilogically challenged person's best friend. Not to brag but my husband is the sweetest. I woke up to a clean house, cake for breakfast and presents Kevin has been hiding for weeks. I have no idea how I'm going to compare for Kevin's birthday. I had planned on fixing up a rocking chair that Kevin is absolutely in love with even though the wood was separating and every time you sat on it your butt got pinched (by the chair), but Kevin beat me to it! It's all uniform and non butt-fondling. I suppose I could still paint it for him, but let's be honest- That would be more for my benefit.

Also I feel I have to start blogging, because my dogs are too darn adorable for the world not to know every little detail. For instance, Jynx has started to go gray in the ears. He's so distinguished now, like Pierce Brosnan before he did Mama Mia! and lost all sex appeal. Ooh, and I'm really hoping having dogs is not like a crash course before children because I'll yell something and flash forward to the day I'll have teenagers and things like, "Willow, stop licking that weenie." Or sometimes, "Jynx! No humping your girlfriend," haunts me.